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IABC Projects Breaking Even in FY02, Then Nibbling at Deficit

By® Staff

Originally Posted

The International Association of Business Communicators is on a slow, steady course toward financial stability, according to Association President Julie Freeman, ABC, APR.

"The finances are right on track, very healthy in terms of a projected breakeven for this year," she announced to the General Meeting of IABC at the International Conference in Chicago.

After an FY01 deficit of $598,430, the Association, with an April count of 13,200 members in 64 countries, is on target for a break-even year in FY02, with revenues and expenses of roughly $4.5 million.

"Breaking even represents enormous progress," Freeman tells, but, she says, eliminating the accumulated deficit of $1,284,669 "is a four- to five-year project, assuming that current trends continue."

All the little things add up. Attendance at the just-concluded International Conference was about 1500, and entries and revenues in the organization's prestigious Gold Quill competition were the highest in history. A $400 commercial software purchase by staff member Joseph Ugalde was used to generate $800,000 in sales during the year.

Bottom line? "Progress is slow," the IABC President says, "but we are making progress."

Freeman wowed those in attendance when it was announced she had passed IABC's accreditation examination during her busy first year managing the headquarters of the financially troubled Association.

"For those of you who say, 'I do not have time to do this,' I challenge you to compare your schedule with mine," she said.

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