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Kmart 'Good News' Web Site a Hit; Grouches Need Not Apply

By® Staff

Originally Posted

Kmart, fed up with anti-company commentary filling Web sites and newspapers, has started a Web site for employees, friends, loved ones, and anyone wanting to give strokes rather than talk trash.

The company, founded in 1899 when Sebastian S. Kresge opened his first five-and-dime store, is struggling to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy and apparently has decided that it isn't going to go quietly.

After receiving thousands of emails, calls, and letters from supporters, the retailer put the site -- -- up as a morale booster, "a place [supporters] can see something positive, words of encouragement," says Kmart spokesman David Karraker. "There are a lot of bashers out there. This is for people who truly want to see the company succeed."

The site, launched in late August, already has logged some 45,000 hits. Customers suggest improvements and encourage people to complain so Kmart can learn of, and solve, problems. Some have said they purchased stock to support the company.

Kmart monitors and filters content for profanity or mean-spiritedness, but most writers want to share positive Kmart experiences and memories.

Following good PR practice, the site tells supporters how to write letters to the editor, if they don't like the way Kmart is covered in the local media.

We haven't heard what Martha Stewart thinks of the idea.

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