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News Munchies

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'That' Isn't for People, People!

By The Words Guy

It's not actually one of our traditional "News Munchies," but we're making a transition around here to a more personal, blog-like format. Herewith, a comment on usage from The Words Guy. It's Who

Need Help? Call the Friendly Police Department

By® Staff

When we need emergency assistance, we're told to call 911, and knowledgeable help will be provided over the phone or quickly dispatched. Well, "I'm a policeman, and I'm here to help you" may not be exactly what it seems. Quick Thinking

Senate Candidate Akin Creates His Own 'Operation Chaos'

By® Staff

If you're a Republican candidate, and the entire Republican establishment comes out against you -- and the Democratic challenger's supporters encourage you to stay in the race -- do you believe it's possible you might have made a little-bitty misstep somewhere? IL-Legitimate Rape?

What? No 'Star Wars' Reference?

By® Staff

So "Red Eye" starts talking about Congressman Kevin Yoder's nude midnight swim on the same day that Senatorial candidate Todd Akin highlights the day's political news with his clueless remarks about pregnancy and rape. Which story would YOU rather write about? Yoderiffic

... Just One Sheep

By® Staff

Bob Beckel just F'd up again on Fox News' "The Five." Well, you'd be annoyed, too, if former pro athlete Eric Bolling continued to punch you in the arm again and again. Seven-Second Delay

Are Any Actual Adults In The Newsroom?

By® Staff

We're sure there are equally egregious examples from conservative commentators, but we were channel-flipping and happened to notice Democratic analyst Bob Beckel on Fox News' "America's Newsroom" saying, "The stock market is at a record high or near a record high." Oh, really? Listen, People!

We're Movin' On

Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

Life got in the way, but® finally is moving ahead with new technology and a slightly different editorial approach. Sorry, but Contacts On Tap™ won't be part of our future. Journalists; Wordsmiths, Even

Where's Contacts On Tap?

Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

We shut down to clean the vats, and a worker fell in and splashed around happily -- increasingly so -- until we could rescue him, and OSHA dropped in to review our safety procedures, then the health and liquor inspectors came by, and we found a crack in one of the welds, and it'll take awhile before everything's repaired and we're cleared to go again ... No, actually, that's not it. Read on: Last Call

Watch This Space

Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

Over the next few weeks, we'll be upgrading and improving and tweaking and adjusting®, which we've been neglecting, as we've devoted full attention to our Contacts On Tap™ on-line media directory. Stay Tuned

IABC 2009 International Conference Moved Up a Week

By® Staff

IABC has just announced new dates for its 2009 International -- er, World -- Conference.  Mark your calendars for the newly titled, newly timed event:  07-10 Jun 09 at the San Francisco Marriott hotel in, um, oh, San Francisco.  They apparently have decided that "International" doesn't quite convey ... well, we actually haven't figured out what it doesn't convey.  Intergalactic, anyone? Tomorrow, The World

Boobs Stymie FCC in Flashy CBS Boob-Boo

By® Staff

The Federal Appeals Court had the balls to keep the boobs at the FCC from enforcing their CBS fine for the fine boobs -- er, boob ... or boo-boo -- in the badly bobbled cover-up displayed at the Super Bowl four years ago. Boobs Fine Bounced May Look Normal, but It Ain't

Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

Contacts On Tap™ now is fully functional and, while our® home page looks nice enough, if you dig deeper, you'll find that most of the links still don't work -- and won't, for a few days. Testing... Testing...

Unexpected Server Glitch Crashes

Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

We apologize for -- and are pissed about -- the outage; it will take a while longer before the problem is completely fixed. The good news: If you're a Contacts On Tap™ subscriber, we've given you an extra 10 days of service, free, to help make up for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Busted

Ho, No! Sleazy Spitzer Hooked, Skewered

By® Staff

If you're a self-proclaimed newswit, bored by the herd's fawning coverage of Barack Obama, the FBI catching "Client 9," New York's Mr. Morality, is manna from heaven. Wannabe jokester journalists' creative juices were flowing on CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday. Gov's Girl

Down, Down, Down

Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR

By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR® and Contacts On TapTM were down for a while this afternoon and evening. Something broke. It's mostly fixed now, but we apologize for the inconvenience. Drinks on the house! Ring Of Fire

Keith Olbermann, the Good and the Bad: It's Ugly

By® Staff

We'll give Keith Olbermann this: He's often entertaining, his show is interesting, and he's certainly on the right side of the Don Imus mess. If he were a bit less fixated on Bill O'Reilly, who has three times Olbermann's audience, "Countdown" might be a destination, rather than a channel-flip when "The O'Reilly Factor" goes to commercial. Can't Count

Nappy-Headed HOSt

By® Staff

Don Imus' sexist, racist on-air comment about the Rutgers University women's basketball team is the screw-up that won't go away. And shouldn't. SHOCKed Jock

They Forgot 'The Kitchen Sink'

By® Staff

One National Football League team's trademark should be canceled on grounds that it is a "pejorative, derogatory, denigrating, offensive, scandalous, contemptuous, disreputable, disparaging, and racist designation for a Native American person." Got that? Are You Ready For Some Lawyerball?